Commonwealth Games 2022
Blog Post 28/07/2023
Early in 2021, The Pallet Studio received an email enquiring about a large order of furniture for the Commonwealth Games. We will be honest, we didn’t believe it at first.
However, we spoke with a wonderful agent called Jon from RGS Events Ltd. who guided us through the process of being a supplier for a large event and was our point of contact throughout the whole awesome experience. Over the course of 15 months, we agreed our contract, sourced our sustainable materials, started building and arranged transport and packaging.
Andrej made, packaged, loaded and unloaded 33 small sets on his own with the help of an 18-tonne truck from Denis’s Removals Swindon. The sets were used at four different Commonwealth Games venues in the end. All of them were sold on or donated after the event, in line with the sustainable ethos to limit the environmental impact and minimise waste.
Being a part of such a prestigious event as such a young business was an amazing experience and proved that we can fill large orders. Get in touch if you have an event which requires sustainable furniture. We also provide a furniture rental service for events and gatherings.
You can read the full case study about The Pallet Studio at the Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 on our website!
#commonwealthgames2022, #birminghamcommonwealth, #volleyballisawesome, #sustainableevents, #furnitureforevents, #furniturerental, #rgseventsltd, #palletfurniture, #reclaimedfurniture, #recycledwood, #sustainablefurniture, #thepalletstudio, #palletchair, #palletbench, #pallettable, #palletcornersofa